Modern Jackass, Modern, Half assed…

Dearest donkeys,

I have left yinz guys high and dry for too long! It is with great joy that I announce a special (themeless) show this weekend. That’s right, this Saturday, June 30, at 12pm-3pm PACIFIC, I will be nursing a head cold with the best remedy – chock full of random new hits.

A lot has happened since we last met. MCA died. I started Season 4 of the Wire. And foie gras is, well, I guess still technically legal in CA for another 12 hours or so as of the start of this next show. SO! What say ye, carve yourself a slice, a tranche if you will (oh how I will!), of delicious soon-to-be-outlawed duck torture and sit by your favorite radio station ( all Saturday afternoon to the mellifluous sounds of yours truly on anti-depressants. Wait… no really, that was an honest mistake. I meant to type “anti-inflammatories”, which is still not true (??… I have a cold!), but my honest first instinct was to type “anti-depressants”. Wow… just……… wow.

Enough jibber jabber! I apologize for making Modern Donkey/Jackass so half-assed this quarter, as unfortunately, I’ve become “part of the problem”, or “the man”, or “actually able to make rent again”. So please, while I’m 9-to-5ing my life away, I hope you’ve been bulking up on musical things to school me with. I only divulge the request line on air, so tune in kiddos for a chance to hear your favorites (/me dropping the ticket giveaway binder…again). If nothing else, rest assured that laughter causes me to go into endless coughing fits. Please save your best material for when a song’s about to end and I’m getting on the mic.

Oh how I’ve missed you all!
